Supergirl #26 Review

Supergirl #26 - Page 1

Writers: Tony Bedard

Artists/Cover: Yildiray Cinar/Giuseppe Camuncoli

Inker/Colorist: Ray McCarthy/Dan Brown


Kara returns to Earth after her time on Krypton. Her return is welcomed by a new creative team of Tony Bedard (Green Lantern: New Guardians) and Yildiray Cinar (Earth 2). It is a new direction for Supergirl but something out in space threaten this new start….Lobo the “Real Main Man” Can Supergirl handle Lobo? NO CHANCE! I am Sorry Not Sorry

The Ups: I was looking forward to this new creative team. After a couple of creative shifts on this series, I started to lose hope. When I heard Bedard and Cinar would be joining the series I was excited to see what was in store and they did not disappoint. Bedard wrote the first 20 issues of New Guardians and those were interesting stories. He welcomes Supergirl back home and she has been through a lot. She has a bit of an emotional breakdown this issue while recapping the main plots of the first 25 issues of her series. Her dialogue was heavy with loneliness. Bedard achieve the emotional response from this reader. I was very sad for Supergirl not having to fit in with the world. This Supergirl felt very genuine to me and the one I have been waiting for. We also get to see new Lobo looking for his imposter. There is a scene in which he shakes down someone for information. That scene gave me more insight on this new character which made me interested in finding out more. This is not a feeling I had of Lobo in his one shot. Cinar is just a man who continues to master his craft. His art work has tight lines, detail background, and well focused perspectives. The art this issue is an uplifting change.The page below shows how stunning the book looks with this new art team. I may not have heard of Dan Brown before but now I am aware. His colors pop off the pages which is how a Supergirl book should look.

Supergirl #26 - Page 8

The Downs: A slow start from the gates. There is some decent action scenes and very good dialogue but the story moved very little. Bedard is setting up the tone and the premise of this arc. I am sure he needed one issue to get it out of the way before hitting the ground running.

Overall: Supergirl has found a new home with the new creative team. Bedard has brought Supergirl back to her roots of being a kryptonian without a place in the world. I can see that he is placing seeds for an adventure we will all remember. Cinar is impressive and more with Brown’s colors. This series is looking towards a bright future that you should not miss! If you are looking for a jump on issue well look no further.

Grade 4 of 5

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