Green Lantern: New Guardians #26 Review

Green Lantern - New Guardians #26 - Page 1

Writer: Justin Jordan

Artist: Bradly Walker/Geraldo Borges

Inkers/Colorist: Drew Hennessy/Mariah Benes/J.P. Mayer/Wil Quintana/Hi-Fi


“You shall not pass–I rather think we shall.”

Kyle discovers a terrible secret of the “peaceful” planet of Exuras and it’s one that can destroy time and space all together! With the innocent inhabitants in danger and the citizens who know of the secret coming after Kyle, Carol and the Guardians, do they have the power to overcome time and space itself?!

The Ups: Boy oh boy this was one jam packed issue with Kyle, Carol and the Guardians taking on enemies from different timelines. Jordan brings the plot to an explosive point while making sure the complex ideas all make perfect sense to me as a reader. The action scenes are intense and I think Jordan hears how much I love the way he writes Kyle and continues to do so to keep making me happy and the Lord of the Rings nod wasn’t too bad either, but with all the seeds Jordan is planting for the future of the series has me very excited. But the main stars of this issue was the entire art team because every single page had so much going on with such amazing coloring and the intense details for the backgrounds and all of the characters, it was the most badass artwork I’ve seen done in a comic in a very long time. The scene that stands out the most to me was the title page, all the futures were drawn together on such a grand scale that it almost looked like a Gothic glass design and every single bit of the page was so wonderfully done.

Green Lantern - New Guardians #26 - Page 4

The Downs: The only downside to this amazing issue was that it was very short.

Overall: Once again Jordan, Walker and the rest of the art team bring us another amazing issue of New Guardians. With the new story arc coming up and the ending leaving some interesting seeds in our heads, New Guardians should be your lantern book of choice.

Grade 5 of 5

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