Red Hood and the Outlaws #26 Review

Red Hood and the Outlaws #26 - Page 1

Writer: James Tynion IV

Artist: Julius Gopez

Inker/Colorist: Sandu Florea/Walden Wong/Nei Ruffino


“Batman taught me how to pick them my second week in the cave.”

Ra’s Al Ghul has returned and has his sights set on Jason who was appointed by Talia Al Ghul to become the leader of the League of Assassins. Needless to Ra’s is not very pleased with this and it out to kill Jason and the rest of the outlaws to reclaim what is rightfully his!

The Ups: Now this is the issue I have been waiting for, this story arc has had way too many ups and downs and I was never a fan of why Jason decided to have his memories removed while going around as a confused little kid with too much power in his hands. Tynion has finally brought all the points together and the outcome was very satisfying, especially seeing Jason go back to his old witty and butt kicking ways. But overall the best part of this issue was Ra’s al Ghul, granted his role was small but any Batman fan knows if he’s involved in a story something big is about to happen and this story is appearing to end with a bang. Ruffino does some amazing color work helping each character pop off the page and making Ra’s aura look so bright that it could almost make the pages he’s on glow in the dark.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #26 - Page 4

The Downs: Gopez’s art for this issue was very hard for me to enjoy especially towards the end. There were too many scenes where the characters heads looked like they were bending to the sides, a lot of detail was being lost in crowded scenes, and none of the of the punches or kicks looked like they hurt. There was one scene in particular that stood out to me, one was where Jason was fighting Lady Shiva and chopped her in the back of the neck but came off like Jason just tapped her, it looked painless and awkward.

Overall: A much better story from the rest of this arc and the coloring definitely stood out the most to me which made it a lot easier on the eyes. The artwork was shakey a lot which was a bit of a turn off. Next month is the end of this arc and it seems like Tynion has something big in store, I for one am very excited.

Grade 3 of 5

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