Undertow #2 Review

Undertow #2 - Page 1Writer: Steve Orlando

Artist/Colorist: Artyom Trakhanov


Redum Anshargal, leader of the free nation of Atlanteans the Deliverer, embarks on a journey with two new citizens, Kingu and Ukinnu, on a mission in search of the mysterious Amphibian…

The Ups: The story behind the entire premise of Undertow is one that I find to be very inuitive and all around different from anything else that I have read. I’ve always been interested in all types of myths and mythology and this take on Atlantis is spectacular. Even more amazing than the story itself is the artwork done by Artyom Trakhanov. The art style often has me looking twice at it because I forget that some scenes take place underwater. I think the images and colors look strange but after I look back I realize how ingenius the colors work with the rest of the art and really represent a true undersea feeling.

The Downs: Although the art and story are great the overall layout of the panels is somewhat confusing and hard to follow at times. Also the text often doesn’t stand out properly against the bright backgrounds and is sometimes overlooked or hard to read.

Overall: The most intriguing thing to me and probably to anyone about this comic is the story of Anshargal and Atlantis as well as Orlando and Trakhanov’s take on it. I, for one, am excited to see where this series will go because it is clear that there is alot of potential here that has yet to be tapped.

Grade 4 of 5

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