Pretty Deadly #4 Review

Pretty Deadly #4 - Page 1Writers: Kelly Sue DeConnick

Artists/Cover: Emma Rios

Colorist: Jordie Bellaire


After all the craziness that has occurred it is time for one man by the name of Johnny Coyote to join the fray! Ginny is gaining on Fox’s trail and is close to revenge but is there a greater cause than vengeance? Questions will be answered and all the pieces will be come together!

The Ups: It is clear that the story has been building towards this moment. DeConnick has gather all the players of the story perfectly. They each have their cause but are gathered to confront death. This issue provided more character development and one of those character stood out, Johnny Coyote. It was great to see his motives and that there is more to him than the guy he was in the beginning of the issue. DeConnick delivers an emotional confrontation between Fox and Ginny. I was gripping on to the book with anticipation. Deconnick’s vision was beautifully brought to life by Rio’s art. She brought a lot of energy into each sequence. The showdowns were dynamic.Rio’s strong point was in characters emotions. She conveys the emotions skillfully. Watching Fox weep with joy in the panels made me feel his joy too. Very powerful pages followed by Bellaire’s wonderful colors. The balance in her colors was in line with the tone of the book.She uses a dawning orange for the day scenes and quickly turns to dark red nearing the day’s end. The colors and details are are simply beautiful!Pretty Deadly #4 - Page 7

The Downs: There is no wrongs this team can do so far!

Overall: DeConnick delivers another hit issue. This issue was full of emotions and actions to keep all kinds of readers satisfied. Rios and Bellaire are a formidable art team. The pages are detailed and dynamic that they can steal your breath away. This is a can’t miss series and this issue will leave you wanting more. Buy this issue now! and pre-order the future ones at your local comic shop.

Grade 5 of 5

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