Futures End: Earth 2 #1 Review

026DCCEarth1Writer: Daniel H. Wilson

Artist: Eddy Barrows

Inker/Colorist: Eber Ferreira / Pete Pantazis


It’s 5 years later and it seems that Earth 2 might have been lost. The people who survived the Earth 2 war are now residing on Earth Prime. Earth Prime has become xenophobic of Earth 2 residents and alienate them. We find Michael Holt, Mr. Terrific, with Earth 2’s Sonia Sato about to demonstrate to the world the next new social communication personal: The U-Sphere. However, Terry Sloan has other plans for Earth that will make Mr. Terrific’s life a living hell.

The Ups: Daniel H. Wilson is staying true to the chaotic nature of Earth 2. There is a destruction and hate surrounding the characters and it seems that Earth Prime is looking a little more like Earth 2 just without the apocalyptic hell fire. I enjoy the chemistry between Sato and Mr. Terrific. as you seem him helping her adjust to Earth Prime. Wilson does a great job setting the atmosphere on Earth. The display of hate and the xenophobia come off the pages powerfully. This issue has some significance to the main series Futures End and how Mr. Terrific plays a hand in the destruction of the hero. Wilson also hints at the possibility of a Crisis and that brought me all the good feeling of that event. This issue also gives a quick look into a couple surviving Earth-2 heroes that will raise the anticipation for Earth 2 World End.

Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, and Pete Pantazis provide the look and feel of the Earth-2 series. Barrows pencils are as clean and detailed as Nicola Scott. Pantazis deliver some bright color imagery in a dark time that gives me hope in the character as well as some stunning colors.

The Downs: What I found a bit problematic was the story structure. There was too much being given in just one issue. I became overwhelmed and confused at times not really grasping what was happening in the story. I could not fully enjoy this one-shot because it felt like it needed 2 issues or less plot.

Overall: Wilson gives you a familiar Earth 2 type of story on a different Earth that could have been delivered more easily. Still the overall issue was enjoyable and the art team nailed this issue and is worth the read. Me not being able to follow the story well hinder what could have been a great issue but still a solid one.

Grade 3 of 5

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