The Walking Dead #119 Review

The Walking Dead #119 - Page 1

Writer: Robert Kirkman

Artist: Charles Adlard

Inker/Colorist: Stefano Gaudiano/Cliff Rathburn


“If you’re really this much of a pussy, do what you do best…act like you aren’t.”

Rick and Ezekiel both lead separate groups to wipe out some of Negan’s outpost. While Rick and his team were successful, Ezekiel was not and lost everyone including his tiger Shiva in the process. The war was looking bright for Rick’s group but can they recover after Ezekiel’s sever loss?

The Ups: After the intense action of the last issue Kirkman kicks the tension up with the building drama amongst Rick’s group. The one character development I am finding the most interesting is the decline of the grand act of King Ezekiel, where from his first appearance he gave off a powerful aura with full command of his village and as things started to become more real between and Michonne, Ezekiel is starting to show his true colors but as Michonne is known for she keeps tough and puts Ezekiel in his place. The art team is definitely bringing out their A game with the art throughout this arc, even the walkers are looking sharp. But what makes this art stand out from most other issues of Walking Dead is the amazing amount of detail put into each character and locations, with strong and believable expressions and making sure the emotions the characters are experiencing come out in each page.

The Walking Dead #119 - Page 4

The Downs: There was a lot of unneeded conversation towards the end between characters that could of been used to advance the plot a little more. I know Kirkman wants to make sure he’s telling a complete story but I noticed in this arc is when the action picks up it does, but when it slows down, it really slows down.

Overall: Another solid entry in the ‘All Out War’ arc with another gripping cliff hanger. Thankfully image chose to bring this arc out bi weekly because every week the story just gets better and better and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Grade 4 of 5

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