Iron Man #20 Review

Iron Man #20 Cover

Writer: Kieron Gillen

Artist: Joe Bennett

Colorist: Guru e-FX


Tony Stark tries to break ground on his new project “Mandarin City”, only to be attacked by Abigail Burns wielding one of the Mandarin’s 10 rings of power.

The Ups: This issue was full of action, science and witty banter, the three main ingredients of a good Iron Man story. Tony and Arno make a great comedy duo where Tony is the color comedy and Arno is the straight-man and they both get to show off their genius intellects in classic Stark fashion. Tony and Arno face off against Abigail Burns wielding a ring of power, and as smart as they both are she proves to be a big enough challenge for them that they need to pull out some pretty impressive gadgets and tricks to compete with her. Joe Bennett puts together a lot of awesome suit and gadgets designs, keeping Tony and Arno’s arsenal fresh and exciting. Guru e-FX’s bright and intense colors bring a real sense of danger and intensity to the various sci-fi effects in the issue making the action that much more dramatic and exciting. The issue also ends on a cliffhanger that point to an explosive finale for the arc.

Iron Man #20 Interior

The Downs: While the issue leads in with tons of action this is a bit of a lull afterwards that’s heavy on dialogue and straight exposition.

Overall: I was fairly satisfied with the amount of science and explosions and cocky Stark brand banter. Underneath all that we get to see the endearing bond of brotherhood between Tony and Arno and we got to see the true power one of the Mandarin’s “Rings of Power”. The ending points to an intense finale and I’m predicting an exciting 4th and 5th part of this arc.

Grade 4 of 5

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