Batman #25 Review

Batman #25 - Page 1

Writer: Scott Snyder / James Tynion IV (back-up only)

Artist/Cover: Greg Capullo & Andy Clarke (back-up only)/ Greg Capullo

Inker/Colorist: Danny Miki / Fco Plascencia


The lights are out in Gotham! The Riddler has plunge the city in darkness. People are committing more crimes and the police put all their energy in search of the vigilante. There is still hope in Gotham in the form of the Bat! Batman is trying to maintain order while solving the death crimes by bones deformation and solving the Riddler. Has the young detective met his limits?!

The Ups: Snyder has set a good pace to the issue from the very beginning. After the conclusion of the previous issue (Riddler placing Gotham in darkness) this issue has a similar zero year first issue vibe. This would be the second act in the year long story arc that is a jump on point and a smooth transition from the previous issue. Snyder showcases Batman as the young detective. You see Batman using analyzing skills, reviewing the crime scenes, and formulating theories. It is refreshing to see the character go back to it’s root and seeing him take a more detective approach. A detective Batman shows how much the character has mature from his Red Hood gang arc. He is getting better at being Batman. Snyder uses this issue to set up characters development. You’ll Bruce relationship with Alfred, Jim Gordon, and Lucius Fox. I really like seeing the Gordon-Bruce relationship. You’ll get to see that they aren’t the best of friends. He also introduces a young Harvey Bullock and Pamela Isley. Snyder does a few notches to Batman mythos that are just great. The scene with the soldier saying “holy door in the floor” just screamed Adam West and Burt Ward Batman. I could not stop smiling. The new not so new villain was also a nice reference to Batman’s creation in Detective Comics. The back up story from Tynion IV is heart warming. Exploring the relationship of Harper Row and her brother was very touching. Capullo is firing at all cylinders. The detailed pages are exceptional. It is simple, the man is a work horse and it shows. The new first batmobile is sleek, old fashion with a hint of awesomeness. The design is like the rock star of batmobiles and it rocks hard. Capullo got to do some horrific scenes that are a remnant of his Spawn days but on a higher level.The Bat art team is dominating and it really great to see that one panel with the police blimps. Whether it was a tribute to the animated series or not, it is a beautiful use of colors by Fco.

Batman #25 - Page 6

The Downs: The Riddler is the main villain in act 2 but he was barely the focus. Doesn’t make the issue bad but we learn very little of that aspect of the story which I would have enjoyed to learn more.

Overall: SO GOOD! Snyder writes the tribute to all thing Batman with zero year. It is his love letter to Batman that is expressed by the amazing art from Capullo, Miki, and Fco. The Bat art team are powering through and there is no stopping their visual gorgeousness. If you love any forms of Batman then this is a no brainier. BUY!

Grade 5 of 5

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