Grimm Fairy Tales #90 Review


W: Troy Brownfield  A/Cvr: Ricardo Osnaya / Various  C: Hedwin Jimenez Zaldivar


“Medusa might have hair competition this year”

After weeks of threatening messages, Sela goes and confront the suspect but is attacked by the person who is actually responsible, Rapunzel!

The Ups: Brownfield shows us that being saved from a bad situation can lead to another. He takes Rita (Rapunzel) from a victim being saved to an even worst case scenario as the result of her rescue. Brownfield makes me feels bad about RIta and trust me if you don’t by the end of the issue then you have a heart of steel. This girl has really had a rough life. He also does a good job fitting in a recap in the story. Definitely helped me get up to speed. Zenescope does this really well. Osnaya’s pencils are very welcoming as they have an Ale Garza feel but with much cleaner pencils.

The Downs: The dialogue is a bit repetitive. Frost tries to make his point about working together by repeat: “I don’t want to fight you” and “we’re on the same side” It started to become annoying. The dialogue of the issue overall lacked energy when it asked for it. I did not feel much conviction in the word. The art were good but the some of the scenes lacked dynamic actions. The fight was bland and unconvincing. Zaldivar’s colors lacked pop which could have really helped this issue out. The ending to the issue did not seem reasonable, even with the final reveal.

The Overall: Brownfield has some strong points and ideas but he did not executed them well. Osnaya’s and Zaldivar’s art was just short of making this issue a whole lot stronger but still turned in some decent visuals. I am not gonna miss this arc at all and I am hoping the next has a bigger impact.

Grade 3 of 5

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