GFT: Wonderland #16 Review


W: Raven Gregory   A/Cvr: Sergio Osuna / Various  C: Leonardo Paciarotti

“There is no chaos worst than Wonderland”

Calie Liddle as known as Alice of Wonderland seeks to protect her daughter and herself from the dangers lurking from Wonderland. Calie with the help of her mother will take the fight to them in order to end the terror!

The Ups: Despite the serious nature of this issue, Gregory fits in a moment or two of humor. The back and fourth  of Calie and Violet shined some light in this issue. Osuna’s art relies heavily on dark lines and shadowing for characters and environments definition. This goes perfectly with the mood of the book. The colors are a complement to Osuna’ pencils and issue.

The Downs: There are several things that bother me about this issue. There is too much going on in this issue. There are many moving pieces in the plot that gets in the way of the overall understanding of story. I had a hard time pin pointing what this issue was mainly about. I have praised Zenescope writers before for writing recaps. This issue lacks that and is not welcoming to anyone that has not been reading the title. I was lost but I can’t blamed that all on the issue since I have not read much of the series. It also seems, from the editor notes, that you’ll have to read not only this title but any related mini series. Osuna’s rendition of Calie’s mom is a little too similar to Calie herself. They both look like the same age and can be confused for twins. Again, there might be a reason for her mom being young but I guess you’ll have to dig into the series past to find an answer.

The Overall: Gregory writes a crazy story with many plot lines going on at once. The art team is a great combination that fits the book well. Wonderland is chaotic and crazy that is fitting for fans of crossed; not fitting for me.

Grade 1 of 5

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