Saga #22 Review

Saga_22-1Writer: Brian K. Vaughan

Artist: Fiona Staples

Colorist: Fiona Staples


Dengo went on an one man murderous rampage leading to the death of Prince Robot IV’s wife and the kidnapping of his son. Elsewhere the rift between Marko and Alana is becoming worse, as Marko seems to be having an affair with another woman and Alana is becoming a drug addict thanks to her co-workers. All with poor Hazel stuck in the middle.

The Ups: Saga has always been the one guilty pleasure of mine that I can not let go of. Vaughan does a masterful job of creating such realistic scenarios in a vast outlandish space world. This issue dealt heavily with great character progression of all of the main characters. While there are three different stories going on at once, each had good enough time to progress and were very easy to follow. Marko and Alana’s story made the biggest impact for me. With the whole first act in the series being focused on their forbidden relationship and now that it seems Marko and Alana are breaking up, it shows me Vaughan constantly wants to keep us readers guessing.

Page one Staples surprises us once again with an interesting shot of a character in a position you’d never imagine, but it did crack me up a bit. As always, Staples unique art style shines through this issue and does a great job displaying the dark tension from the character with great details of their emotions. The most outstanding image in this issue is the first showing of King Robot. Now I won’t ruin the surprise but all I’m staying is he alone takes up two pages and was just pure genius on the part of Staples.

The Downs: No problems here.

Overall: With Vaughan’s great story telling and Staples insane and creative art once again show why Saga is one of Image’s top series. All the current stories going on are definitely building to something huge and I for one can not wait to see the pay off.

Grade: 5 of 5

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