Superior Spider-Man #26 Review

Superior Spider-Man #26 - Page 1Writers: Dan Slott

Artist: Humberto Ramos, Javier Rodriguez, Marcos Martin

Inker: Victor Olazaba, David Lopez, Marcos Martin 

Colorists: Edgar Delgado, Javier Rodriguez, Marcos Martin


It has been building up since the start of the series: Green Goblin versus Hobgoblin for control of New York! Meanwhile the Avengers have had enough with the Superior Spider-Man and with the return of Iron man to the team SpOck cover will be blown! Some more interesting development in what could be the start of the return of the amazing Spider-man. All bets are off and one Goblin will rule while another perish! 

The Ups: Although Superior Spider-Man #25 was an oversize issue celebrating it’s 25th mark, this issue felt like another oversize issue. This issue had 3 artists that have work on Spider-man books before. This truly felt like a tribute issue. Slott continues to build the plot to the climax point of the prelude to Goblin nation. Most of this issue is the fight between Goblins and dialogue is a battle within itself. Slott shows the intellecutal side of these Goblins. A battle of the intellect and business. Seeing these two characters show that they are beyond being crazy villains was something I enjoyed. Slott shows that the Avengers are no longer buying what SpOck is selling. You can see that the Avengers are mad with SpOck but it is carried out with a caring tone. They want to help but also be stern and Slott does well to convey that. We get to see the rebuilding for the return of Peter Parker. I must say that I see what Slott is doing with the character and I love it. He plans on rebuilding and I want to see that. The art is ridiculously great. Ramos takes command illustrating the Goblin battle for the most part. His overly active style suits the high-octane battle. Rodriguez focuses on the Avengers portion which was an unbalance tone which depicts the scenes well. You can see the body language is confrontational but not strongly which is the message Slott and Rodriguez want to deliver. Martin pages have a nostalgic feel with an old school visual that go well with the subconscious moments. It came together perfectly with great art transition.

Superior Spider-Man #26 - Page 5The Downs: Dialogue between the two goblins during their fight felt out of place. A good conversation but I felt having it during the battle was weird since comparing wits and strategy is something I feel is better before a battle.

Overall: Slott carries the pacing well when going from crazy battle scenes to more quieter panels. The dialogues changes tones appropriately and balances the overall story excellently. The art team put all the seams together to form this visual beast of an issue. The art from the pencilers, inkers, and colorists are beyond fantastic. The series momentum is carrying into Goblin Nation and you should definitely join for the ride.

Grade 4 of 5

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