Avengers Arena #18 Review

Avengers Arena #18 Cover

Writer: Dennis Hopeless

Artist: Kev Walker

Colorist: Jean-Francois Beaulieu


After 17 issues and all sorts of violence and mayhem, Avengers Arena concludes in an explosive finale. Welcome the graduating class of 2013!

The Ups: This issue is densely packed with awesomeness, on just about every page there’s either some sort of action scene going on or a huge plot reveal/twist. Thanks to Kev Walker’s art every page is just brimming with emotion and action, as you might guess things get pretty intense and Kev Walker’s art delivers that intensity and keeps you in the book. Jean-Francois Beaulieu’s colors enhance the movement and style of Kev Walker’s art with contextual lighting. Beaulieu’s mastery of lighting can make action scenes pop with vibrant colors or make the more cerebral scenes muted and highlight the dialogue or the expression on a particular character. Behind all of the great art in this issue is a compelling plot with a satisfying resolution. Dennis Hopeless wraps up the series with a bang and keeps the reader on edge the entire time.

Avengers Arena #18 Interior

The Downs: Well it’s over, that’s kind of a bummer I guess.

Overall: This issue, and the series in general, has been an exciting rollercoaster of emotions. Almost every moment of the series has been full of suspense, or action, or intrigue, or teen angst and this finale is no different. This book was probably most satisfying to me because it filled a need I didn’t know I had, a need to see teenaged superheroes fight to the death as a psychotic man-child watches it on a flat-screen TV. I’m left with that feeling we’ve all felt at one point or another when you finish something great. I feel satisfied with the ending and with the series as a whole but I also feel kind of empty knowing it’s over…for now.

Grade 5 of 5

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