Infinity #5 Review

Infinity #5 (of 6) - Page 1


W: Jonathan Hickman  A: Jerome Opena & Dustin Weaver  CA: Adam Kubert  C: Justin Ponsor


The war is over! The Avengers have proven that humanity can overcome adversity but there is one battle left. The Earth has been under his influence since the Avengers left. It is time they come home and face Thanos!

The Ups: Continuing from the events of Infinity 4 Hickman has brought this war to an end. Hickman wrote a compelling story that reminds me of my favorite story moment that conveys the message “the people stand united and none shall fall”. Amazing Spider-Man #36: the September 11 issue was a powerful and moving story in which people of all types united to stand strong. Infinity 5 made me relive that moment. Hickman has truly united galactic nations under one group which lays the ground work for Avengers World #1. Hickman wrote powerful moments that show cases leadership from Captain America that is on a whole different level from his usual as well as victorious moments that just makes you feel the energy.  This all comes visually together by the art work of Opena, Weaver, & Ponsor. The art is beautiful and touching. There are some great action shots from different parts of the war that is awe-inspiring. There is a Veteran day reference that kicked this issue up a level and I have to say “Thank You Guys! That was a great gesture!”

Infinity #5 (of 6) - Page 8

The Downs: One thing that I can’t seem to understand is why does Thanos wants to see his son dead so badly? Is he afraid that humanity’s influence on Thane may be a hindrance to him? We do know that Thane existence keeps his father up all night. I feel like there is more to it and after five issues Hickman hasn’t stated the reason. I am just hoping we find out before the end of this series. I also hope is more than Thanos’ murderous intent.

The Overall: This issue is my favorite of the event. Hickman knocks it out of the ballpark wait no, out of this universe with this strong and heart felt issue. The art team has conveyed Hickman’s script into a powerful work of imagery that will leave you stun. If you have to pick up one book this week this is it! The march to Avengers World begins now.

Grade: 5 out of  5

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