Red Lanterns #24 Review

RED LANTERNS #24 - Page 1

Lights Out: Part 4 Blood Brothers

“Don’t worry, Guy. We’re here for you.”

W: Charles Soule A: Alessandro Vitti C: Gabe Eltaeb

Bleez has discovered that Guy Gardner is working as a spy for the Green Lanterns. With the entire Green Lantern Corps on their way to see him, can Guy protect his cover from being blown and assist the Green Lanterns against Relic at the same time!?

The Ups: Guy Gardner was always meant to be a Red Lantern and this issue shows why. Soule definitely has done a great job transitioning Gardner from a justice seeking Green to an angry rebellious Red while keeping his personality intact. I’m thoroughly enjoying the direction this story has moved towards with each of the main human lanterns seeking help from all completely different places in order to defeat Relic. These events seem to be leading to a conflict amongst them in the conclusion of this story which is very exciting. Vitti and Eltaeb make every scene look very rough and intense, very much like the Red Lanterns. The action scenes all felt very real and one page where Guy punches the hell of out Hal was drawn so well I could truly feel the pain in the blow.

RED LANTERNS #24 - Page 6

The Downs: Not enough Dexx Star.

Overall: With the Green Lantern Annual being the conclusion to the story arc and all the main human Lanterns separated trying to save the universe in their own ways, this is only going to end up being a fun and chaotic read. This story has definitely held my interest and I’m excited to see how it will all end. Make sure to go pick this one up.

Grade 5 of 5

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