X-Men #6 Review


Battle of the Atom: Chapter 7

“Logan was right! Every damn time.”

W: Brian Wood A: David Lopez C: Laura Martin/Matt Milla

With the “Real future X-Men” in the present world, will the truth behind the first future group come to light?

The Ups: Finally after all the build up the secrets are slowing being revealed and I was not disappointed. Even while a lot of the truth is still a mystery, Wood definitely brought us a great start to all the real drama. The writing is on par with the rest of the issues Bendis has written up. I feel Wood does a great job giving the spotlight to some fan favorite X-Men. There is a good amount of action and appearances in this issue, my personal favorite being Psylocke. The artwork as for this issue is extremely top notch. Lopez, Martin, and Milla deliver some great color and design that is completely consistent throughout the issue.


The Downs: My only really problem with this story arc is the extremely slow pace of the overall story. This issue did reveal a piece of the story but it was something readers could have seen coming from a mile away. Up to this point we really don’t know the exact purpose behind the capture of the Original X-Men. This story is not bad by any means and all the cliff hangers keep bringing me back but I would just prefer a more clear understand of where this is really going.

The Overall: Another solid entry with good action and some secrets revealed. It’s coming close to the end of the crossover and I am hoping the pay off will be a great one.

Grade: 4 of 5

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