Captain America #24 Review

CAPA2012024-DC11-48ba2 (1)Writer: Rick Remender

Artists/ Inkers: Carlos Pacheco & Paul Renaud / Mariano Taibo & Paul Renaud

Colorists: Dean White & Sonia Oback


Arnim Zola has returned from Dimension Z! Earth is under siege and the Avengers assemble to battle for the fate of the Earth. Since Steve is no longer in a position to take down Zola. It is up to Jet and Falcon. As the battle rages on the heroes discover Zola’s true intent as well as the return of one of Captain America’s supporting cast!

The Ups: Rick Remender has come full circle as he marches to Axis with this issue. The story he started in the first arc of Captain America makes it’s full return to close out this volume of the series. I do enjoy when a writer closes out a volume with a return to the opening arc because it feels like all the issues are subtly tied up together. One of the characteristics of the issue that was appealing was the focus on Captain America’s supporting cast. Steve is barely in the issue because the main players are Jet, Falcon, and some other familiar characters. We get to see Falcon take the spotlight and definitely showed me that he is the perfect candidate to be Captain American. He takes on Zola head on while showing the readers his heroic morality. He also displays a few of the military qualities that Steve has such as focus, assessing the threat, and finding a quick efficient solution. This issue will leave you looking forward to the new Captain America series in November. Remender builds up some revelations this issue that will take you by surprise and wanting the next issue.

There are a couple of artist teams on this issue but the majority was drawn by Carlos Pacheco with some pages done by Paul Renaud. These two artist worked so well together that you can’t really tell that there were 2 artists on this issue. Pacheco upgrades the look of the Dimension Z creature from the John Romita Jr. run. The pencils are tighter and the creature look much more defined. Which story wise could be sold as the evolution of these creatures because time passes faster in Dimension Z. There was a lot of action happening this issue with lots of characters on the pages and simple panel layouts was key in not getting lost in all the chaos. The panels made it easier to follow and understand. Dean White’s and Sonia Oback’s colors brighten up this issue and is exactly what Captain America series should be.

The Downs: The Avengers make an appearance but they don’t feel like the Avengers. Little was said when they were on panel and Iron man was the Avenger that mainly spoke. They are not the focus of the issue but they were not that many Avengers appearances in this series and was hoping to get more contribution from them. Nothing seriously really.

Overall: Remender is looking to close this series on a bang, literally! Remender bringing back Dimension Z helps the series get back on the must read list. He provided a Captain America story with little involvement of the character himself and succeeded in captivating me. The art team provided great art and colors while delivering free flowing high-octane action.This issue will show why Sam Wilson “The Falcon” is the very qualified person to take the mantle.

Grade 4 of 5

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