Forever Evil #6 Review

Forever Evil #6 - Page 1Writer: Geoff Johns

Artist: David Finch

Inker/Colorist: Richard Friend/Sonia Oback


Lex Luthor and the rest of the band of supervillains forcefully put themselves in charge putting Batman and Catwoman in a unstable situation. But with no choice but to all work together, our heroes set out to find a way to stop the Crime Syndicate once and for all and try to save Nightwing before it’s too late!

The Ups: Boy, I sure as hell was not prepared for the amount of amazing events that occurred in this book. As I always have prefer the villains to heroes in comics, having a group of the strongest and most dangerous villains push around Batman as he tries to force them to follow his lead is pretty hilarious. Johns definitely kicks the story in high gear with this issue, *MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD* we finally learn what may or may not have happened to Nightwing, Black Manta shows us why he’s so badass, a big clash is upon us, and we finally learn the identity of the hooded man the Syndicate has been keeping hostage who will be a shock to a lot of fans. I normally never like to mention what happens in issues but there was just so much excitement I had as I read this issue, I want you guys to know you are jumping into something pretty awesome. Finch, Friend, and Oback kick up the artwork for this issue especially towards the end when the action picks up and when it leads into the big reveal. The story and the artwork was just perfect for this issue and with the arc finally ending next month I sure hope it keeps this momentum and ends with an even bigger bang!

Forever Evil #6 - Page 4The Downs: Did I forget to mention this issue was pure awesome?!

Overall: Well folks, we are finally reaching the home stretch for this crazy story arc and Johns is showing us he is planning on ending this on an extreme high note. Forever Evil has had its up and downs for me but I think this issue only has made it all worth it for me.

Grade 5 of 5

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