Daredevil #35 Review

Daredevil #35 - Page 1

Writers: Mark Waid/Chris Samnee

Artist: Chris Samnee

Colorist: Javier Rodriguez


“Think back. Isn’t this more the Matt Murdock you fell for in college?”

No matter how hard Daredevil seems to strike at the Serpents, it seems like they strike back even harder. And to make matter worse, it seems Foggy’s condition has become more severe which is weighing heavy on Matt as he figures where to strike next.

The Ups: As the series is coming to a close, Waid and Samnee are really stacking the cards against Daredevil and it bring us one hell of an intense story. What I love is that Waid and Samnee have brought us a story that is right out of a crime novel, only with far more interesting characters and a badass hero. The best thing was as I read I could feel the sense of dire urgency coming from Daredevil which made me become much more involved with the story.  Samnee pulls double duty for this issue bringing his unique old school style to the issue, it is always refreshing to see how he can do more visual wonders with less lines then most artist do with loads of details. Rodriguez is also very on point with the colors in this issue with amazing lighting effects and able to cast the perfect mood in the right scenes.

Daredevil #35 - Page 4

The Downs: The series is ending next month.

Overall: Waid and Samnee have set up everything to a point of no return for Daredevil and its given us some of the best told story out of any comic out today. This issue is leading up to a great pay off for next month’s final issue and as I have always said, read the entire series it is beyond worth it.

Grade 5 of 5

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