Superior Spider-Man #19 Review

Superior Spider-Man #19 - Page 1


W: Dan Slott A/Cvr: Ryan Stegman / John Livesay C: Edgar Delgado


The final showdown between Spider-men of future and present, Who is the Superior Spiderman? It is not who you think ! Plus the fate of Horizon Labs will be reveal.

The Ups: Marvel and Slott have been soliciting issues of Superior Spider-man as the one “that will change everything”. They have been right like with issue 9. Will this issue prove to meet up to the hype? YES! it does. Slott turns in an issue that provide many consequences and ties in a lot of the different stories that have been happening since issue 1. The ending to this issue has a big consequence for Spider-man 2099 which I enjoyed. I am hoping this will mean bigger things for the character. This issue involves everyone from Carlie to Anna Maria and Slott does a wonderful job juggling and fitting everything into this issue. Doc Ock starts to feel self-doubt which will bring Peter fans a big grin. Readers will also enjoy the Doctor Who and Back to the Future references. Stegman continues to rock this arc with his art. His lighting and shadow technique shines in this issue which is also contributed by Livesay’s inks. His art is spectacular but becomes superior with the Delgado’s colors. I said it once and I’ll say it again: A Spider-man 2099 book with this art team will sell like crazy!
Superior Spider-Man #19 - Page 11

The Downs: The art drops in quality a little with characters in the background that look a little more cartoony than the usual Stegman style. Not a big issue but a bit noticeable.

The Overall: This was a grand finale that promised us a change in status quo and delivered. Slott has a great handle on this issue and the series all together. Stegman, Livesay, and Delgado are turning in awesome pages each time. This issue will answer questions and open new ones that set up future stories.I can’t wait! This issue is a must have!

Grade 5 of 5

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